Who is the Lizard Lady?

I am that crazy iguana girl. You know the one. The one with more pictures of her lizard than most people have of their toddlers. Yep. That’s me. I’ve dedicated a pretty good chunk of m time and energy to Riddik – a cyanomorph green iguana. She’s just like any other iguana iguana, just turquoise rather than typical bright green. It’s a shame that so many or these beautiful an intelligent animals waste away and die too young all because their humans captors don’t do their research and do what it takes to keep that animal healthy and happy. A fantastic person once said:
just because your animal isn’t dead yet, doesn’t mean you know what you’re doing.

But don’t think that’s all there is to me. I’m also into food and fitness. Though the two don’t always compliment each other so well in most people’s perspective, I’ve come to realize that they’re both about enjoyment. I each food I like because I like it, and I exercise in ways that are fun or challenging in just the right way for me. After a relatively short bout with EDNOS (not formally diagnosed) I’ve gone through a lot of ups and downs with my eating/exercising habits and routines. Consider this you fair warning for the occasional ramblings about insecurities and the terror or relapsing into old habits.

Another piece to the puzzle: I consider myself a horseman. By no means do I call myself a cowgirl or a trainer. Thought I have been known to put a nice finish on a green colt and bring an old brood mare or two around to the idea of working for her keep, I’m no expert. I believe that there is always something new to learn about horses, from horses. Each is unique. Each has their quirks. Each requires slightly different handling and techniques. But if you keep an open mind, you can accomplish just about anything with just about any horse.

I’m a rising PR professional with a serious love for the non profit world. It’s so much easier for me to represent a cause or an organization that is doing real good in the world rather than a sales driven profit hungry company. I particularly enjoyed my work in museums and sincerely hope to one day find a zoo with a large herpetology area that I can call home… And pays well enough to foot the bill for my affinity for the finer things in life.

Coming full circle back to the iguanas, I’ve been a resilient organic gardener for a bit over two years and absolutely love it. I’m never that happy about sweat except when it involves that rich black dirt on my hands and watering the fresh baby sprouts pushing their way up through it. I can rest easy knowing that my iguana eats the very best home grown, pesticide-free foods. And occasionally we find something we both like and we both get to enjoy that tasty goodness.

Last but not least, there’s my boyfriend of four years whom I’ve known for about ten years. We’re both kind of wierd and sometimes hard to get along with but we always seem to work it out. After all, if we can’t put up with each other, who the hell will? I love him and he keeps me happy. Most of the time…. We both need more tattoos. Immediately. And we desperately need to make more money than we do now because our taste is top shelf but our wallets, not so much. But, that pretty much comes with time. For now, we do what we can when it comes to high end taste on a low end budget.

I’ll leave it at that for now. Future posts to follow with deeper looks into any an all of these things and others to boot.

-Lizard Lady, out.

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